

How to Get Links?

Link building not quite like building a house. Because getting links is not like manually build the links like house. Today the basic work of a link builder is to earn link without touching the link unlike to beg links.
Before you start a content to get links ask yourself,

What type of link?
Who will link?
Why link to us?

If you are unable to answer these, the probability of success is deem and you will end with wrong link from wrong people or no link at all.

Kind of link.Target the type of link. Are not all the links are same?

Natural and Optimized links
Nofollow and dofollow links
Footer and In-Content links
Site-wide and Page Level links
Likes,Tweets and Html links

There should be a clear goal be to get high authority editorial in content links from a list of bloggers. In many instances you can try your niche to contribute to forums and similar communities.

Another goal, to get social ranking signals and in order to get that have to target some social media site like facebook, tweeter and many more.

The answer to the third question could be “because you write a flagship blog post for them as a guest blogger”. Or a post like “why community ABC is the best to go”.  Communities are always self conscious; that is, when you write about them you’ll get noticed.

So in short you have to attract the people who can bring you the links that you need and give them a reason to link to you.